FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.  

FFA Motto
Learning to do,
Doing to learn,
Earning to live,
Living to serve

FFA Vision
Students whose lives are impacted by FFA and agricultural education will achieve academic and personal growth, strengthen American agriculture and provide leadership to build healthy local communities, a strong nation and sustainable world. 

Nevada FFA activities include things like: monthly Chapter meetings, (August) Missouri State Fair, Area Officer Training, (September) fruit/meat sales fundraiser, Area 9 meeting, Area 9 Greenhand conference, Middle School lock-in, (October) FarmFest, Halloween costume contest, National FFA Convention, (November) Ag Awareness Day, Barnwarming, District Speaking contest, (December) officer Christmas party, (January) Greenhand motivational conference with State officers, Stage Degree selection, (February) National FFA Week, (March) contests, (April) District contests, officer interviews, (May) Chapter banquet, Booster Club jackpot show, (July) Vernon County Youth Fair, etc. 

FFA members are Ag-vocates in our community. Members of the Nevada FFA chapter visit second grade classrooms during FFA Week to share the importance of agriculture through creative presentations and activities.