Career and Technical Education (CTE) is helping our nation address key challenges such as workforce development, student achievement, economic vitality and global competitiveness. Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) are key components to strong CTE programs. They integrate into CTE programs and courses to extend teaching and learning through innovative programs, business and community partnerships and leadership experiences at the school, state and national levels.

Our CTSOs are comprised of seven different organizations that align with our program offerings.

As in the global economy, a spark of competition drives DECA members to excel and improve their performance.

Teaching has never been more complicated or more important. And with extraordinary demand for new teachers and the urgent need to close gaps in the teaching workforce, we must address the pipeline now.

Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL) is the largest career student business organization in the world. Each year, FBLA-PBL helps over 230,000 members prepare for careers in business.

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a national Career and Technical Student Organization that provides personal growth, leadership development, and career preparation opportunities for students in Family and Consumer Sciences education.

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for students enrolled in health science education and biomedical science programs or have interests in pursuing careers in health professions. HOSA is 100% health care!

SkillsUSA has an impact on the lives of America’s future workforce through the development of personal, workplace and technical skills that are grounded in academics.

Technical Honor Society

Technical Honor Society honors student achievement and leadership and promotes educational excellence and helps enhance career opportunities.